FBS Xtra

Controlled. Defined. Reduced.

Cells cultured with fetal bovine serum (FBS)
Cells cultured with fetal bovine serum (FBS)

Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) has been an established additive to cell culture media for decades. Its unique growth-promoting properties make it a valuable and indispensable ingredient for mammalian cell culture. All over the world, researchers and biopharmaceutical manufacturers are using FBS for their research or biotechnology applications.

What Is the Problem With FBS?

Unfortunately, the market's pricing of FBS products has been skyrocketing in the past few years, making the serum purchase a painful process. Furthermore, scientists are still facing the issue of batch-to-batch variation, which has a direct impact on the reproducibility and validity of research results.

The Solution: FBS Xtra

To target these issues, we have developed a new product in cooperation with the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. With our exciting, cost-effective innovation, we aim to lead the way into a more defined and reproducible cell culture environment.

Tired of failed batch tests? With FBS Xtra we offer a consistent product that allows reproducible results with your cells!

What is FBS Xtra?

Cost-effective & Stable Pricing

Compared to traditional fetal bovine serum, FBS Xtra contains a significantly reduced amount of serum, which is supplemented with chemically-defined components. This allows for lower pricing that is less affected by the serum market's price fluctuations.

Consistent & Trustworthy Results

By identifying key components responsible for a successful and controlled cell growth, we were able to significantly reduce the serum content of FBS Xtra, keeping batch variations to a minimum. Rest assured knowing that your results are no longer falsified by FBS composition!

Significantly reduced cell stress

The artificial cell culture environment is very stressful for your cells. In cooperation with the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, we found that using FBS Xtra, the levels of phosphorylated p38 are significantly reduced when compared to standard FBS.

Key Components That Make the Difference

Knowing about the inherent problems that FBS introduces into scientific research, Capricorn Scientific developed an alternative to traditional FBS, together with the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.

FBS Xtra combines high-quality FBS with growth-promoting factors such as insulin, transferrin, trace elements, and amino acids in a chemically-defined and recombinant form.

Through supplementation of these highly pure and defined components, we were able to significantly reduce the amount of fetal bovine serum in FBS Xtra. This reduction keeps batch variations and cellular stress to a minimum, without sacrificing performance.

Reproducibility continues to be an issue in cell culture experiments. Enhance the impact of your research with FBS Xtra, which contains a significantly reduced amount of FBS!

Your Advantages at a Glance

FBS Xtra is produced with key components responsible for successful and controlled cell growth, and a reduced serum concentration. This allows for defined growth conditions while keeping batch-to-batch variations to a minimum.

  • Reduced serum content
  • Batch-to-batch homogeneity
  • High quality product with consistent performance
  • Reduced cell stress
  • Chemically-defined composition of trace elements, amino acids, vitamins, and cofactors
  • Reproducibility & validity of experimental results
Tired of failed batch tests? With FBS Xtra we offer a consistent product that allows reproducible results with your cells!

Validated for Diverse Cell Lines

FBS Xtra: Validated for Diverse Cell Lines
FBS Xtra: Validated for Diverse Cell Lines

Extensive performance tests with several widely used cell lines showed that FBS Xtra achieved even better results than standard FBS for many cell types. FBS Xtra preserves regular cell morphology while leading to a better viability of your cells and reducing cellular stress!

Tested Cell Lines

  • HeLa
  • NIH-3T3
  • HEK293
  • Jurkat
  • CHO
  • Vero
  • L929
  • ... and many more
Viability Assay: FBS Xtra on various cell lines

The viability of different cell lines, cultured with FBS Xtra in reference to standard FBS, showed comparable or even better results.


The p38 MAP kinase gets initiated by a variety of cellular stresses. It is activated by phosphorylation to help the cells adapt and cope with noxious conditions. High levels of phosphorylated p38 signify a more stressful environment.

Two weeks after cultivation of HEK293 cells, supplemented with 10% standard FBS versus 10% FBS Xtra, phosphorylated p38 was measured as a percentage of the total amount of p38.
For FBS Xtra, reduced levels of p38 phosphorylation were observed, when compared to standard culture conditions.

Get Your Free Sample!

Cat. No.: FBS-16B | Volume: 100 ml | Free Sample
Cat. No.: FBS-26B | Volume: 100 ml | 50%-off Sample
Volume: 500 ml | How many bottles would you like to reserve?
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FBS Xtra, Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), Collected in South America

FBS Xtra is the latest development between Capricorn Scientific and the University of Applied Science Frankfurt. This special FBS is characterised by a significantly reduced serum content and a resulting minimal batch-to-batch variation. This is made possible by identified key components responsible for optimal cell growth.
500 ml
on request View Details

FBS Xtra, Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), Collected in South America

FBS Xtra is the latest development between Capricorn Scientific and the University of Applied Science Frankfurt. This special FBS is characterised by a significantly reduced serum content and a resulting minimal batch-to-batch variation. This is made possible by identified key components responsible for optimal cell growth.
100 ml
on request View Details

FBS Xtra, Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), Collected in USA

FBS Xtra is the latest development between Capricorn Scientific and the University of Applied Science Frankfurt. This special FBS is characterised by a significantly reduced serum content and a resulting minimal batch-to-batch variation. This is made possible by identified key components responsible for optimal cell growth.
500 ml
on request View Details

FBS Xtra, Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), Collected in USA

FBS Xtra is the latest development between Capricorn Scientific and the University of Applied Science Frankfurt. This special FBS is characterised by a significantly reduced serum content and a resulting minimal batch-to-batch variation. This is made possible by identified key components responsible for optimal cell growth.
100 ml
on request View Details
FBS Xtra Brochure


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