MycoXpert, Mycoplasma Removal Reagent (50x)
MycoXpert is a mycoplasma removal reagent (or mycoplasma removal agent), a highly-efficient antibiotic that can be added to cell culture media. MycoXpert is active at low concentration for a broad range of contaminations with various mycoplasma subspecies. It acts by interference with the DNA replication machinery and thereby inhibiting Mycoplasma growth.
Mycoplasma is a genus of bacteria – the smallest bacteria cell yet to be discovered. Their main characteristic is that they lack a cell wall. Instead, the mycoplasma cell is enclosed by lipoproteins. This makes them resistant to, e.g., β-lactam antibiotics such as penicillin, which target the process of cell wall synthesis.
Mycoplasma, first discovered in 1898, was originally classified as a virus. There are more than 100 known species belonging to the genus Mycoplasma. They are free-living, self-replicating organisms, and when left untreated, can cause great harm to your cell cultures and research data, e.g., diminished cell growth and loss of cultures.
MycoXpert is provided as a 50x concentrate.
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